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Book Talk by the Sea

                      Sharing Books and Verse at the                        Camden Public Library

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The Beatryce Prophecy

The goat. The goat was in his heart, too. Seemingly, the heart could hold an untold amount of things—letters and people and goats and...

The Book of Magic

Readers, what do you do when a series comes to an end? How do you feel? Where do you turn next in the altered literary landscape?...

Poem of the Week: My Grandmother's Love Letters

Writers tend to be readers, a truism that results in one of the great delights of reading: often in a one book a writer will reference...

Dear Memory

Dear Memory: Letters on Writing, Silence and Grief Years ago, before my father died, he asked if I would like to have the letters his...

Poetry for the Thanksgiving Table

Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday may mean different things and ways of celebrating (or not) to everyone, especially as we still find...

Poem of the Week: Visit

It's been a bit since Book Talk by the Sea has featured a Poem of the Week, and today it returns. Poetry complements all seasons, but...

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

Have a story that's just itching to get out, but you don't know where to start? Not quite ready to go it alone? The time for you is now,...

Garlic & the Vampire

It's almost Halloween, and there's nothing scarier than vampires to haunt the pages of a graphic novel... or is there? Bree Paulsen's...

The Night She Disappeared

A question for our times: what kind of literature was produced during the COVID-19 pandemic? While many of the books published in the...

Domestic Violence Awareness

October has been observed as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month since 1987. Though it is a sobering observation in many ways,...

Indigenous Peoples' Day

In 2019, Governor Mills signed a bill to reestablish the day formerly celebrated as Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples' Day, a holiday...

A Farewell to Gabo and Mercedes

Librarian confession: One Hundred Years of Solitude was one of those books that I remember from high school with a shudder, no doubt...

Banned Books Week

It's Banned Books week! And why are we celebrating such an occasion at the library? The American Library Association and libraries across...

Hispanic Heritage Month

While most heritage month recognitions in the United States last from the first to last day of a given month, Hispanic Heritage Month...

Remembering September 11th

This month, the Camden Public Library will be hosting the 9/11 Memorial & Museum's 20th anniversary poster exhibit "September 11, 2001:...

London's Number One Dog-Walking Agency

"We had been through turmoil and upheaval, a national crisis that rocked our confidence and made us question our priorities, but once all...

The Top New Reads at the Library

Ever wonder how to find out what exciting new books are hitting our shelves? It can be hard to keep track of which interesting titles are...

Mystery Most Maine

The state of Maine is home to a multitude of authors, native born or simply drawn to the inspiring Pine Street State, producing literary...

Literature of the Maine Coast

It's no secret that Midcoast Maine attracts more attention than ever in the summer months, as tourists join us to discover the delights...

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