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Book Talk by the Sea

                      Sharing Books and Verse at the                        Camden Public Library

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Poem of the Week: Leaving the Hospital

Is it possible to find beauty in the darkest of times? Or, maybe a better question, is it possible that the darkest times bring beauty by...

Poems for the Summer Solstice

Whether you relish days in the sunshine and the summer nights ahead or call it the dog days of summer with a sense of heat-induced dread,...

Mental Health Awareness Month: How to Love the World

"Poetry is an art form especially suited to our challenging times." - James Crews We may loves books and libraries largely because of the...

Poem of the Week: Forsythia

As spring progresses (slowly here in Maine), yellow bursts of forsythia are one of the earliest colorful patches in the post-winter...

Poem of the Week: Mimesis

National Poetry Month continues on the blog today with a poem that reminds one how poetry can be simultaneously timeless and timely. In...

National Library Week

Each year, there is a seven day overlap between National Library Week and National Poetry Month that feels particularly apt, as we...

Poem of the Week: The Stranger in Her Feminine Sign

Iraqi American poet Dunya Mikhail has published numerous volumes of work in both Arabic and English. Much of her work grapples with war...

Poem of the Week: Think Of It

Every season brings its upheaval, but the end of winter has certainly been no light affair while war and pandemic rage at once. With all...

Poetry of the Week: Lyuba Yakimchuk

So many of us come to the library because we love words. The stories they create or the truths they tell. The rhythms and joys of...

Poem of the Week: Back to the Past

Amanda Gorman has captivated a large audience since stepping up to the mike with a powerful poem, "The Hill We Climb," at last January's...

All We Can Save

One of the great joys of being a cataloger in a library is getting to handle and peruse every new or donated book that enters our...

Poem of the Week: The Thing Is

We've delved into 2022, taking on these first two weeks with, I think, a shared hope for a better year for everyone, for the world. The...

Poem of the Week: Branch Library

Here's to starting 2022 with a bit of unharnessed joy! The Camden Public Library serves a fairly small community in our coastal town and...

Poem of the Week: My Grandmother's Love Letters

Writers tend to be readers, a truism that results in one of the great delights of reading: often in a one book a writer will reference...

Poetry for the Thanksgiving Table

Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday may mean different things and ways of celebrating (or not) to everyone, especially as we still find...

Poem of the Week: Visit

It's been a bit since Book Talk by the Sea has featured a Poem of the Week, and today it returns. Poetry complements all seasons, but...

Poem of the Week: I Have a Problem

When I read the first line of Greg Santos' poem, "I Have a Problem," I'm reminded of the last line in Ada Limón's poem "The Last Thing,"...

Poem(s) of the Week: An Andrea Gibson Medley

We need so much less than we take. We owe so much more than we give. Squirrels plant thousands of trees every year just from forgetting...

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