Welcome to Book Talk by the Sea, the Camden Public Library's new blog for sharing book reviews, readalikes, themed lists, poetry, staff picks, and more. Posts on the blog are primarily written by Library Technician Nora Curry, Camden's newest staff member.
The town of Camden and the patrons of the library comprise a wonderful and unique community. While this blog space will be full of regular book reviews and thoughts about what staff are reading, watching, and listening to, I hope it will also be a space that invites the voices of the community into a book discussion. What books have you staying up into the darkening autumn evenings because you can't put them down? What books are you anticipating? Are you looking for readalikes for a book or author you enjoyed? Share what's on your mind! Please feel welcome to comment on blog posts or to email ncurry@librarycamden.org with your own favorite reads that can be shared on the blog. Now more than ever, with less time at in-person programs and physically within library walls, we can find new ways to have conversations about a shared love of books, words, and ideas. Even with our masks on, we can know the power of a story, the desire to pass along a recommendation, the tingle that comes with a resonant poem.
We've already had our first snow in Camden, lightly blanketing the library grounds. It's time to start thinking about those books we'll curl up with during our long Maine winter. I'm so excited to be joining the Camden Public Library and sharing about the books in our collection, making recommendations, and seeking out staff and patron opinions. Come join me by regularly reading Book Talk by the Sea's weekly posts!