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Book Talk by the Sea

                      Sharing Books and Verse at the                        Camden Public Library

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Spotlight on MSBA: Down to Earth

This week continues a series of posts spotlighting books from this year's Maine Student Book Award list. If you missed the previous...

Spotlight on MSBA: The Magical Imperfect

This week continues a series of posts spotlighting books from this year's Maine Student Book Award list. If you missed the previous...

Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea

If you find her, beware. If you find her, be keen. She'll sing you into madness or grant you one dream. Secrets she knows, sorrow she...

Living With Viola

Every form of art or genre of literature has its benefits, its way of conveying something that perhaps could not be done so well through...

Mental Health Awareness Month: How to Become a Planet

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which the National Alliance on Mental Illness describes as an opportunity to "fight stigma, provide...

The Beatryce Prophecy

The goat. The goat was in his heart, too. Seemingly, the heart could hold an untold amount of things—letters and people and goats and...

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